Our Courses

Understand Quran Course level 1

Understand Quran Course level 2

Understand Quran Course level 3

Understand Quran Course level 4

Understand Quran Course level 5


Importance & Understanding of Quran

All over the world there are millions of Muslims who recite Quran during their prayers they recite the dua’s, memorize Quran, all of which is done in order to gain the pleasure of Allah (swt). Quran as we know is the ultimate guide for living life, but how will a person know about the rules regulations and what Allah (swt) has said in the holy Quran? It’s only possible when one tries to understand the meaning of the verse, the actual advice that is give and tries to act upon it.

The rise of Muslims to the zenith of civilization in a period of four decades was based on lslam’s emphasis on learning. This is obvious when one takes a look at the Qur’an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad which are filled with references to learning, education, observation.


We believe the study of Qur’an should be easy, interactive, interesting and engaging. Learning Qur’an should be intellectually and spiritually stimulating. Its message should penetrate the depths of our hearts, and inspire us to act towards righteousness.

Why must we understand the Quran?

Will they not then ponder over the Quran, or is it that they have locks on
their hearts!? [Quran, 47:24]
(This is) a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that
they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may
reflect.[Quran, 38:29]
The Quran is a guide to humanity which also includes you, dear reader.
Since none of us want to be misguided, it is paramount not only to read or
recite the Quran, but to understand and implement it in our lives as well.